Matplotlib Line Plot

Matplotlib is used for creating plots and charts.
– Call line plot function: .plot()
– Set properties such as labels and colors
– Display plot: .show()

This recipe includes the following topics:

  • Draw Line Plot
  • Set line color
  • Set x & y axis labels
  • Show legend

Line plot

# import module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# create numpy array
experience = np.array([1, 3, 5])
salary_ds = np.array([70000, 85000, 150000])
salary_web = np.array([65000, 90000, 120000])

# call plot function
plt.plot(experience, salary_ds, color='darkcyan', label='Data Science')
plt.plot(experience, salary_web, color='orchid', label='Web Development')

# set axis labels
plt.xlabel('Total Experience(Years)')

# show legend

# draw plot
Matplotlib line plot 1
Line plot

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